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What our customers say…

The induction I felt was very valuable as my tutor gave some excellent insights as to what to expect throughout the course.

She guided me step by step through each Unit giving through explanations and examples. Which was very useful!

I feel her guidance and support will help me to achieve my qualification. I will look forward to working with my tutor whilst I complete my qualification. She has a lot of knowledge and experience, I certainly can learn a lot from her.

It was a pleasure to meet her.

- Kirstie

I would just like to say thank you to BBE for been very understanding of my situation with being deployed to the Falkland islands with the RAF. I have hit a few hurdles whilst trying to carry out the units mainly been communication and technical issues, but with Mary's help I have managed to over come most of these.

- Daniel

Who are the awarding body?

AAT is the world’s leading professional body for accounting professionals. AAT work across the globe with around 130,000 members in more than 100 countries across 580 training providers like BBE. Their members are represented at every level of the finance and accounting community. All AAT qualifications are part of the Qualification Credit Framework (QCF) and this body award around 80% of all vocational qualifications in accounting. An AAT qualification is a route to some of the most in-demand skills in the world and provides you with a professional status you can be proud of.

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